[Cleo] Private Silent Aim by Mikestil
Mikestil |
Дата: Понедельник, 29.05.2017, 17:27 | Сообщение # 1
Сообщений: 6
Статус: Offline
Презентую мой приватный сайлент аим, некоторые идеи и фишки взяты с аима опкодера но не думаю что это критично. Стиллера нет но, проверка на стиллер приветствуется.Активация командой /silent, сброс настроек кфг /reset
Сори за оформление темы, на скорую руку YandexDisk: ЖМИ
Diaz™ |
Дата: Понедельник, 29.05.2017, 17:49 | Сообщение # 2
Сообщений: 207
Статус: Offline
Опкодер плачет в стороне. Хоть грамотно все заменил.
sam takoy)))))
Mikestil |
Дата: Понедельник, 29.05.2017, 18:00 | Сообщение # 3
Сообщений: 6
Статус: Offline
Цитата Diaz™ ( ![Ссылка на цитируемый текст](/.s/img/fr/ic/4/lastpost.gif) ) Опкодер плачет в стороне. Хоть грамотно все заменил. Хорошие художники копируют, великие художники воруют. Тут это тоже применимо.
Sten_Andreas |
Дата: Понедельник, 29.05.2017, 19:16 | Сообщение # 4
Сообщений: 334
Статус: Offline
Минус в репу залетел. Вы кривые когда научитесь сами делать? Смысл воровать скрипт и выкладывать? Тебе за такое никогда + не дадут, а только минусы. Поймите уже пожалуйста. Я уверен на 100% что ты тупо поменял автора и залил, даже ни капельки ничего не сменил, а если перезаливаешь , то будь человеком УКАЖИ автора.... до вечера минусами закидают тебя.
ЦЕЛИ: 100 репы [x] 150 репы [x] 200 репы [x] 250 репы [x] 500 репы [х] 1000 репы [0] 2000 репы [0]
AlwaysWannaFap |
Дата: Понедельник, 29.05.2017, 21:07 | Сообщение # 5
Сообщений: 519
Статус: Offline
Скрипт ЧИСТ, Код открыт
Код {$CLEO .cs} {$INCLUDE SF} 0000: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ UPDATE INFO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ V1.0 + Оптимизация аимбота под большое кол-во серверов (D-RP, ARIZONA, SAMP-RP, GAMBIT-RP, REVIVAL DM - [Возможен бан]) + Исправление бага с авто отключением аимбота + Исправлен баг из-за которого аимбот не работал на некоторые скины + Исправление не значительных багов */ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// repeat wait 0 until SAMP.Available() ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var $CFG: array 21 of Integer end ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const FOV = $CFG[0] AnyDistance = $CFG[1] SkinVector = $CFG[2] WallShot = $CFG[3] DisableRpcHook = $CFG[20] WeaponsUpdate = $CFG[4] RandomShot = $CFG[5] InCarVictim = $CFG[6] SendRPC = $CFG[7] ModelGroup = $CFG[8] DrawBlood = $CFG[9] BloodDensity = $CFG[10] AutoActivation = $CFG[11] ActivationMode = $CFG[12] GameKey = $CFG[13] ShowMessages = $CFG[14] ////// System ///////// AllowRPC = $CFG[15] ActiveStatus = $CFG[16] LastTargetHandle = $CFG[17] DeagleCounter = $CFG[18] CountLimit = $CFG[19] end ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// gosub @DefaultVarInit gosub @Config 0093: 12@ = integer FOV to_float 0AB1: call @AutoMark 2 AutoActivation ActiveStatus ret_to ActiveStatus 0946: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR actions_uninterupted_by_weapon_fire 1 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 0B34: samp register_client_command "Silent" to_label @cmd_hook 0B34: samp register_client_command "Reset" to_label @cmd2_hook ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if DisableRpcHook == 0 then 0BE1: raknet setup_outcoming_rpc_hook @MyRPC_Hook end 0BE2: raknet setup_outcoming_packet_hook @PACKET_SYNC_HOOK print "Private Silent Aim by Mikestil" time 3000 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /*if samp.Available() then 0ab1: @get_serial 0 18@ 0AF1: write_int 18@ to_ini_file "CLEO\[SAIM]SystemInfo.ini" section "VolumeInformation" key "SerialCode" if 18@ <> 205196027 then chatmsg "Эта копия скрипта вам не пренадлежит!" 0xFFFFF chatmsg "Обратитесь за покупкой в скайп: {FF6633}vicehacker" 0xFFFFF 004E: end_thread end end */ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// :get_serial wait 0 0AA2: 1@ = load_library "kernel32.dll" 0AA4: 2@ = get_proc_address "GetVolumeInformationA" library 1@ 0AC7: 3@ = var 0@ offset 0AA5: call 2@ num_params 8 pop 0 0 0 0 0 3@ 0 0 0 0AB2: ret 1 0@ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// while true wait 0 if SAMP.Available() then if and 0B61: samp is_local_player_spawned 8B21: not samp is_chat_opened then if GameKey <> -1 then if ActivationMode == 2 then if key_down GameKey then 0B12: ActiveStatus = ActiveStatus XOR 1 if ShowMessages == 1 then if ActiveStatus == 1 then print "Private Silent Aim by Mikestil Activated" time 1000 else print "Private Silent Aim by Mikestil Deactivated" time 1000 end end wait 228 end end if ActivationMode == 3 then 0AB1: call @HookKeyModer 2 GameKey ShowMessages ret_to ActiveStatus end end end end end ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// :HookKeyModer 0001: wait 0 if key_down 0@ then 2@ = 1 else 2@ = 0 end if 1@ == 1 then if 2@ == 1 then print "~g~Active" time 50 end end 0AB2: ret 1 2@ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// :cmd_hook if 0B61: samp is_local_player_spawned then if ShowMessages == 1 then if ActiveStatus == 0 then print "Private Silent Aim by Mikestil Activated" time 3000 else print "Private Silent Aim by Mikestil Deactivated" time 3000 end end 0B12: ActiveStatus = ActiveStatus XOR 1 end 0B43: samp cmd_ret /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// :cmd2_hook if 0B61: samp is_local_player_spawned then if 0AAB: file_exists "CLEO\AimCfg_v1.0_by_Mikestil.ini" then 0AF0: FOV = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\AimCfg_v1.0_by_Mikestil.ini" section "Settings" key "FOV" 0AF0: AnyDistance = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\AimCfg_v1.0_by_Mikestil.ini" section "Settings" key "AnyDistancee" 0AF0: SkinVector = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\AimCfg_v1.0_by_Mikestil.ini" section "Settings" key "SkinVector" 0AF0: WallShot = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\AimCfg_v1.0_by_Mikestil.ini" section "Settings" key "WallShot" 0AF0: DisableRpcHook = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\AimCfg_v1.0_by_Mikestil.ini" section "Settings" key "DisableRpcHook" 0AF0: WeaponsUpdate = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\AimCfg_v1.0_by_Mikestil.ini" section "Settings" key "WeaponsUpdate" 0AF0: RandomShot = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\AimCfg_v1.0_by_Mikestil.ini" section "Settings" key "RandomShot" 0AF0: InCarVictim = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\AimCfg_v1.0_by_Mikestil.ini" section "Settings" key "InCarVictim" 0AF0: SendRPC = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\AimCfg_v1.0_by_Mikestil.ini" section "Settings" key "SendRPC" 0AF0: ModelGroup = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\AimCfg_v1.0_by_Mikestil.ini" section "Settings" key "ModelGroup" 0AF0: DrawBlood = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\AimCfg_v1.0_by_Mikestil.ini" section "Settings" key "DrawBlood" 0AF0: BloodDensity = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\AimCfg_v1.0_by_Mikestil.ini" section "Settings" key "BloodDensity" 0AF0: AutoActivation = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\AimCfg_v1.0_by_Mikestil.ini" section "Settings" key "AutoActivation" 0AF0: ActivationMode = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\AimCfg_v1.0_by_Mikestil.ini" section "Settings" key "ActivationMode" 0AF0: GameKey = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\AimCfg_v1.0_by_Mikestil.ini" section "Settings" key "GameKey" 0AF0: ShowMessages = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\AimCfg_v1.0_by_Mikestil.ini" section "Settings" key "ShowMessages" print "~w~Config file was successfully ~g~Reloaded" time 1556 else print "~r~Error! ~w~Config file doesn`t exist!" time 1556 end end 0B43: samp cmd_ret ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// :AutoMark 0001: wait 0 if 0@ == 1 then 0B12: 1@ = 1@ XOR 1 end 0AB2: ret 1 1@ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// :DamageConvert 0001: wait 0 var 1@ : Float end 0470: 0@ = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR current_weapon if or 0@ == 22 0@ == 29 then 1@ = 8.25 end if 0@ == 23 then 1@ = 13.200000762939453125 end if or 0@ == 28 0@ == 32 then 1@ = 6.6000003814697265625 end if or 0@ == 30 0@ == 31 then 1@ = 9.90000057220458984375 end if 0@ == 33 then 1@ = 24.7500019073486328125 end if 0@ == 34 then 1@ = 41.25 end if or 0@ == 24 0@ == 38 then 1@ = 46.200000762939453125 end if or 0@ == 25 0@ == 26 then 1@ = 49.50000286102294921875 end if 0@ == 27 then 1@ = 39.600002288818359375 end 0AB2: ret 1 1@ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// :GiveTakeDamageRPC 0001: wait 0 0470: 25@ = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR current_weapon 0209: 15@ = random_int_in_ranges 3 9 0B3D: raknet 4@ = new_bit_stream 0B40: raknet bit_stream 4@ write 0 type BS_TYPE_BOOL size 1 0B40: raknet bit_stream 4@ write 0@ type BS_TYPE_SHORT size 2 0B40: raknet bit_stream 4@ write 1@ type BS_TYPE_FLOAT size 4 0B40: raknet bit_stream 4@ write 25@ type BS_TYPE_INT size 4 0B40: raknet bit_stream 4@ write 15@ type BS_TYPE_INT size 4 0B8A: raknet send_rpc 115 bit_stream 4@ 0B3E: raknet delete_bit_stream 4@ 0AB2: ret 0 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// :Detour 0001: wait 0 0AB1: call @DamageConvert 0 return_to 13@ 0AB1: call @GiveTakeDamageRPC 2 0@ 13@ 0AB2: ret 0 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// :SendSilentBullet 0001: wait 0 00A0: store_actor 3@ position_to 9@ 10@ 11@ 00A0: store_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR position_to 19@ 5@ 6@ //////////////////////////////////////////////////// 0470: 25@ = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR current_weapon 0B2B: samp 8@ = get_player_id_by_actor_handle 3@ 0AC8: 17@ = allocate_memory_size 40 0C0D: struct 17@ offset 0 size 1 = 1 0C0D: struct 17@ offset 1 size 2 = 8@ 0C0D: struct 17@ offset 3 size 4 = 19@ 0C0D: struct 17@ offset 7 size 4 = 5@ 0C0D: struct 17@ offset 11 size 4 = 6@ ///////////////////////////////////////// 0C0D: struct 17@ offset 15 size 4 = 9@ 0C0D: struct 17@ offset 19 size 4 = 10@ 0C0D: struct 17@ offset 23 size 4 = 11@ ///////////////////////////////////////// 0098: 22@ = random_float 0.0 _to_ 0.2 0098: 23@ = random_float 0.0 _to_ 0.2 0098: 24@ = random_float 0.0 _to_ 0.5 ///////////////////////////////////////// 0063: 28@ = 22@ 0063: 29@ = 23@ 0063: 30@ = 24@ ///////////////////////////////////////// 0209: 27@ = random 1 to_ 10 if 27@ >= 5 then 22@ = -0.1 0063: 22@ -= 28@ end ///////////////////////////////////////// 0209: 27@ = random 1 to_ 10 if 27@ >= 5 then 23@ = -0.1 0063: 23@ -= 29@ end ///////////////////////////////////////// 0209: 27@ = random 1 to_ 10 if 27@ >= 5 then 24@ = -0.1 0063: 24@ -= 30@ end ///////////////////////////////////////// 0C0D: struct 17@ offset 27 size 4 = 22@ 0C0D: struct 17@ offset 31 size 4 = 23@ 0C0D: struct 17@ offset 35 size 4 = 24@ ///////////////////////////////////////// 0C0D: struct 17@ offset 39 size 1 = 25@ 0B3D: raknet 12@ = new_bit_stream 0B40: raknet bit_stream 12@ write 206 type BS_TYPE_BYTE size 1 0B40: raknet bit_stream 12@ write 17@ type BS_TYPE_ARRAY size 40 0B8B: raknet send bit_stream 12@ 0B3E: raknet delete_bit_stream 12@ 0AC9: free_allocated_memory 17@ if 0@ == 1 then 09B8: create_blood_gush_at 9@ 10@ 11@ with_offset 22@ 23@ 24@ density 2@ on_actor 3@ end if 4@ == 1 then 0AB1: call @Detour 1 8@ end 0AB2: ret 0 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// :ModelGroup 0001: wait 0 18@ = 1 if 0@ <> 0 then 0665: get_actor 1@ model_to 17@ if 0@ == 1 then if or 17@ == 105 17@ == 106 17@ == 107 then 18@ = 0 end end if 0@ == 2 then if or 17@ == 102 17@ == 103 17@ == 104 then 18@ = 0 end end if 0@ == 3 then if or 17@ == 114 17@ == 115 17@ == 116 then 18@ = 0 end end if 0@ == 4 then if or 17@ == 108 17@ == 109 17@ == 110 then 18@ = 0 end end if 0@ == 5 then if or 17@ == 173 17@ == 174 17@ == 175 then 18@ = 0 end end if 0@ == 6 then if or 17@ == 111 17@ == 112 17@ == 125 17@ == 126 17@ == 127 then 18@ = 0 end end if 0@ == 7 then if or 17@ == 113 17@ == 124 then 18@ = 0 end end if 0@ == 8 then if or 17@ == 121 17@ == 122 17@ == 123 17@ == 117 17@ == 118 17@ == 120 then 18@ = 0 end end if 18@ == 0 then if 2@ == 1 then print "~g~Friendly ~r~Fire!" 500 end end end 0AB2: ret 1 18@ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// :MyRPC_Hook 0001: wait 0 0BE5: raknet 10@ = get_hook_param PARAM_PACKETID if 10@ == 115 then if ActiveStatus == 1 then if AllowRPC <> 1 then 0BE0: raknet hook_ret false else 0B12: AllowRPC = AllowRPC XOR 1 end end end 0BE0: raknet hook_ret true /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// :GetRandom wait 0 0470: 2@ = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR current_weapon if or 2@ == 28 2@ == 29 2@ == 30 2@ == 31 2@ == 32 2@ == 38 then 3@ = 1 else 3@ = 2 end 0209: 19@ = random_int_in_ranges 1 10 if 3@ = 1 then if 19@ <= 2 then 1@ = 0 else 1@ = 1 end else if 82D8: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR current_weapon == 24 then if 19@ <= 5 then 1@ = 1 else 1@ = 0 end else if 19@ >= 5 then 4@ = 2 else 4@ = 3 end if 003B: 0@ == 4@ then 1@ = 1 else 1@ = 0 end end end ret 2 1@ 4@ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// :InTarget wait 0 0A96: 2@ = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR struct 0A8E: 1@ = 2@ + 0x79C 0A8D: 2@ = read_memory 1@ size 1 virtual_protect 1 if 003B: 2@ == 0@ then ret 1 1 end ret 1 -1 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// :SendValidVector wait 0 0B2B: samp 9@ = get_player_id_by_actor_handle $PLAYER_ACTOR 0AC8: 11@ = allocate_memory_size 31 0BBE: samp store_player 9@ aim_data 11@ 068D: get_camera_position_to 2@ 3@ 14@ Actor.StorePos(0@, 27@, 21@, 31@) 0063: 2@ -= 27@ 0063: 3@ -= 21@ 0604: get_Z_angle_for_point 2@ 3@ store_to 4@ 0C02: math 4@ = angle_to_radian 4@ 4@ *= -1.0 0C03: math 2@ = sine 4@ 0C05: math 3@ = cosine 4@ 2@ *= -1.0 3@ *= -1.0 0C0D: struct 11@ offset 1 size 4 = 2@ 0C0D: struct 11@ offset 5 size 4 = 3@ 0BC3: samp send_aim_data 11@ 0AC9: free_allocated_memory 11@ 0AB2: ret 0 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// :PACKET_SYNC_HOOK 0001: wait 0 0BE5: raknet 2@ = get_hook_param PARAM_BITSTREAM 0BE5: raknet 3@ = get_hook_param PARAM_PACKETID /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if 3@ == PACKET_WEAPONS_UPDATE then if and ActiveStatus == 1 WeaponsUpdate == 1 then call @InTarget 1 LastTargetHandle ret_to 25@ if 25@ <> 1 then 0BF3: raknet 4@ = bit_stream 2@ get_data_ptr 0B2B: samp 26@ = get_player_id_by_actor_handle LastTargetHandle 0C0D: struct 4@ offset 1 size 2 = 26@ end end end /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if 3@ == PACKET_BULLET_SYNC then if ActiveStatus == 1 then 0470: 15@ = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR current_weapon if or 15@ == 34 15@ == 33 then 12@ = 150.0 else 0093: 12@ = integer FOV to_float end call @GET_TARGET_ACTOR 6 12@ WallShot ModelGroup ShowMessages AnyDistance InCarVictim ret_to 7@ if 7@ <> -1 then 008A: LastTargetHandle = 7@ if RandomShot == 0 then if SkinVector == 1 then call @SendValidVector 1 LastTargetHandle end 0AB1: call @SendSilentBullet 5 DrawBlood AnyDistance BloodDensity LastTargetHandle SendRPC 0BE0: raknet hook_ret false else var 13@ : Integer 19@ : Integer end if 02D8: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR current_weapon == 24 then DeagleCounter++ end call @GetRandom 1 DeagleCounter ret_to 13@ CountLimit if 02D8: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR current_weapon == 24 then if DeagleCounter >= CountLimit then DeagleCounter = 0 end end if 13@ == 1 then if SkinVector == 1 then call @SendValidVector 1 LastTargetHandle end 0AB1: call @SendSilentBullet 5 DrawBlood AnyDistance BloodDensity LastTargetHandle SendRPC 0BE0: raknet hook_ret false else AllowRPC = 1 end end end end end 0BE0: raknet hook_ret true ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// :ValidDistance wait 0 0470: 25@ = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR current_weapon if or 25@ == 22 25@ == 23 25@ == 24 25@ == 26 25@ == 28 25@ == 32 then 0@ = 35.0 end if or 25@ == 25 25@ == 27 then 0@ = 40.0 end if 25@ == 29 then 0@ = 45.0 end if 25@ == 30 then 0@ = 70.0 end if 25@ == 31 then 0@ = 90.0 end if 25@ == 33 then 0@ = 100.0 end if 25@ == 34 then 0@ = 320.0 end if 25@ == 38 then 0@ = 75.0 end ret 1 0@ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// :GET_TARGET_ACTOR 0001: wait 0 0087: 28@ = 0@ 0A8D: 29@ = read_memory 0xB74490 size 4 virtual_protect 0 000A: 29@ += 0x4 0A8D: 29@ = read_memory 29@ size 4 virtual_protect 0 for 30@ = 0 to 35584 step 0x100 0A8D: 31@ = read_memory 29@ size 1 virtual_protect 0 000A: 29@ += 0x1 if and 0029: 31@ >= 0x00 001B: 0x80 > 31@ then 005A: 31@ += 30@ if 056D: actor 31@ defined then if 803C: $PLAYER_ACTOR == 31@ then 04C4: store_coords_to 27@ 26@ 25@ from_actor 31@ with_offset 0.0 0.0 0.0 068D: get_camera_position_to 24@ 23@ 22@ 8@ = SAMP.GetSAMPPlayerIDByActorHandle(31@) if and 8118: not actor 31@ dead 02CB: actor 31@ bounding_sphere_visible not SAMP.IsPlayerPaused(8@) then 04C4: store_coords_to 10@ 11@ 12@ from_actor 31@ 0.0 0.0 0.0 0AB1: call_scm_func @getScreenXYFrom3DCoords 3 3D_coords_X 10@ Y 11@ Z 12@ store_screen_X_to 13@ Y_to 14@ 0509: 15@ = distance_between_XY 339.1 179.1 and_XY 13@ 14@ if 0035: 28@ >= 15@ then if 1@ == 0 then if 06BD: no_obstacles_between 27@ 26@ 25@ and 24@ 23@ 22@ solid 1 car 1 actor 0 object 1 particle 1 then wait 0 else continue end end ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if 5@ == 0 then if 0449: actor 31@ in_a_car then continue end end //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if 4@ == 0 then var 9@ : Float 20@ : Float end 0509: 9@ = distance_between_XY 10@ 11@ and_XY 24@ 23@ call @ValidDistance 0 ret_to 20@ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if 9@ >= 20@ then continue end end ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if 2@ <> 0 then 0AB1: call @ModelGroup 3 2@ 31@ 3@ ret_to 6@ if 6@ == 1 then 7@ = 1 else 7@ = 0 end else 7@ = 1 end //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if 7@ == 1 then 0AB2: 1 31@ else continue end end else continue end end end end end 0AB2: 1 -1 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// :getScreenXYFrom3DCoords 0001: wait 0 0AC7: 14@ = var 0@ offset 0AC7: 15@ = var 3@ offset 0AC7: 16@ = var 6@ offset 0AC7: 17@ = var 9@ offset 0AA5: call 0x70CE30 num_params 6 pop 6 0 0 17@ 16@ 15@ 14@ 0007: 12@ = 640.0 0007: 13@ = 448.0 0A8D: 14@ = read_memory 0xC17044 size 4 virtual_protect 0 0A8D: 15@ = read_memory 0xC17048 size 4 virtual_protect 0 0093: 14@ = integer 14@ to_float 0093: 15@ = integer 15@ to_float 0073: 12@ /= 14@ 0073: 13@ /= 15@ 006B: 3@ *= 12@ 006B: 4@ *= 13@ 0AB2: ret 2 3@ 4@ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// :DefaultVarInit FOV = 40 AnyDistance = 0 SkinVector = 1 WallShot = 0 WeaponsUpdate = 1 RandomShot = 1 DisableRpcHook = 1 InCarVictim = 0 SendRPC = 1 ModelGroup = 0 DrawBlood = 1 BloodDensity = 20 AutoActivation = 0 ActivationMode = 1 GameKey = -1 ShowMessages = 1 AllowRPC = 0 return ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// :Config if 0AAB: file_exists "CLEO\AimCfg_v1.0_by_Mikestil.ini" then 0AF0: FOV = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\AimCfg_v1.0_by_Mikestil.ini" section "Settings" key "FOV" 0AF0: AnyDistance = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\AimCfg_v1.0_by_Mikestil.ini" section "Settings" key "AnyDistance" 0AF0: SkinVector = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\AimCfg_v1.0_by_Mikestil.ini" section "Settings" key "SkinVector" 0AF0: WallShot = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\AimCfg_v1.0_by_Mikestil.ini" section "Settings" key "WallShot" 0AF0: WeaponsUpdate = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\AimCfg_v1.0_by_Mikestil.ini" section "Settings" key "WeaponsUpdate" 0AF0: RandomShot = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\AimCfg_v1.0_by_Mikestil.ini" section "Settings" key "RandomShot" 0AF0: DisableRpcHook = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\AimCfg_v1.0_by_Mikestil.ini" section "Settings" key "DisableRpcHook" 0AF0: InCarVictim = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\AimCfg_v1.0_by_Mikestil.ini" section "Settings" key "InCarVictim" 0AF0: SendRPC = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\AimCfg_v1.0_by_Mikestil.ini" section "Settings" key "SendRPC" 0AF0: ModelGroup = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\AimCfg_v1.0_by_Mikestil.ini" section "Settings" key "ModelGroup" 0AF0: DrawBlood = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\AimCfg_v1.0_by_Mikestil.ini" section "Settings" key "DrawBlood" 0AF0: BloodDensity = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\AimCfg_v1.0_by_Mikestil.ini" section "Settings" key "BloodDensity" 0AF0: AutoActivation = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\AimCfg_v1.0_by_Mikestil.ini" section "Settings" key "AutoActivation" 0AF0: ActivationMode = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\AimCfg_v1.0_by_Mikestil.ini" section "Settings" key "ActivationMode" 0AF0: GameKey = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\AimCfg_v1.0_by_Mikestil.ini" section "Settings" key "GameKey" 0AF0: ShowMessages = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\AimCfg_v1.0_by_Mikestil.ini" section "Settings" key "ShowMessages" else 0AF1: write_int FOV to_ini_file "CLEO\AimCfg_v1.0_by_Mikestil.ini" section "Settings" key "FOV" 0AF1: write_int AnyDistance to_ini_file "CLEO\AimCfg_v1.0_by_Mikestil.ini" section "Settings" key "AnyDistance" 0AF1: write_int SkinVector to_ini_file "CLEO\AimCfg_v1.0_by_Mikestil.ini" section "Settings" key "SkinVector" 0AF1: write_int WallShot to_ini_file "CLEO\AimCfg_v1.0_by_Mikestil.ini" section "Settings" key "WallShot" 0AF1: write_int WeaponsUpdate to_ini_file "CLEO\AimCfg_v1.0_by_Mikestil.ini" section "Settings" key "WeaponsUpdate" 0AF1: write_int RandomShot to_ini_file "CLEO\AimCfg_v1.0_by_Mikestil.ini" section "Settings" key "RandomShot" 0AF1: write_int DisableRpcHook to_ini_file "CLEO\AimCfg_v1.0_by_Mikestil.ini" section "Settings" key "DisableRpcHook" 0AF1: write_int InCarVictim to_ini_file "CLEO\AimCfg_v1.0_by_Mikestil.ini" section "Settings" key "InCarVictim" 0AF1: write_int SendRPC to_ini_file "CLEO\AimCfg_v1.0_by_Mikestil.ini" section "Settings" key "SendRPC" 0AF1: write_int ModelGroup to_ini_file "CLEO\AimCfg_v1.0_by_Mikestil.ini" section "Settings" key "ModelGroup" 0AF1: write_int DrawBlood to_ini_file "CLEO\AimCfg_v1.0_by_Mikestil.ini" section "Settings" key "DrawBlood" 0AF1: write_int BloodDensity to_ini_file "CLEO\AimCfg_v1.0_by_Mikestil.ini" section "Settings" key "BloodDensity" 0AF1: write_int AutoActivation to_ini_file "CLEO\AimCfg_v1.0_by_Mikestil.ini" section "Settings" key "AutoActivation" 0AF1: write_int ActivationMode to_ini_file "CLEO\AimCfg_v1.0_by_Mikestil.ini" section "Settings" key "ActivationMode" 0AF1: write_int GameKey to_ini_file "CLEO\AimCfg_v1.0_by_Mikestil.ini" section "Settings" key "GameKey" 0AF1: write_int ShowMessages to_ini_file "CLEO\AimCfg_v1.0_by_Mikestil.ini" section "Settings" key "ShowMessages" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 0AF5: write_string "1" to_ini_file "CLEO\AimCfg_v1.0_by_Mikestil.ini" section "ModelGroups" key "Grove" 0AF5: write_string "2" to_ini_file "CLEO\AimCfg_v1.0_by_Mikestil.ini" section "ModelGroups" key "Ballas" 0AF5: write_string "3" to_ini_file "CLEO\AimCfg_v1.0_by_Mikestil.ini" section "ModelGroups" key "Aztec" 0AF5: write_string "4" to_ini_file "CLEO\AimCfg_v1.0_by_Mikestil.ini" section "ModelGroups" key "Vagos" 0AF5: write_string "5" to_ini_file "CLEO\AimCfg_v1.0_by_Mikestil.ini" section "ModelGroups" key "Rifa" 0AF5: write_string "6" to_ini_file "CLEO\AimCfg_v1.0_by_Mikestil.ini" section "ModelGroups" key "RM" 0AF5: write_string "7" to_ini_file "CLEO\AimCfg_v1.0_by_Mikestil.ini" section "ModelGroups" key "LCN" 0AF5: write_string "8" to_ini_file "CLEO\AimCfg_v1.0_by_Mikestil.ini" section "ModelGroups" key "Yakuza" end return /////////////////////////////////// Happy End ! ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
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Сообщение отредактировал AlwaysWannaFap - Понедельник, 29.05.2017, 21:08 |
izreker228 |
Дата: Понедельник, 29.05.2017, 22:16 | Сообщение # 6
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Интересно, каково брать скрипт и чуть "переделывать" его? Ты в любом случае взял чужой код без разрешения опкодера, тем самым нарушив АП. Удаляй, бро. Иначе тебя минусами закидают за воровство.