[CLEO] Admin Checker and Friends самп 0.3.7
Дата: Четверг, 18.08.2016, 08:36 | Сообщение # 1
Сообщений: 2
Статус: Offline
Клео админ чекер ARP /DRP /SRP Админы появляються тогда когда они кого то банят или мутят так же их можно добавить. Cleo создовал не а я Brothers In Company ! Активация автоматическая. P.S Вышла уже новая версия если вы скачаете эту то вам надо будет ее обновить заходя на сервер самп! Скачать тут!Клик
Сообщение отредактировал ce3are - Четверг, 18.08.2016, 08:42
Дата: Суббота, 08.10.2016, 07:23 | Сообщение # 2
Сообщений: 79
Статус: Offline
Проверьте пожалуйста на Стиллер ;3
http://cheat-master.ru/forum/188-676944-1 - [Private] Добываем Аккаунты Вконтакте http://cheat-master.ru/forum/188-676082-1 - [Private] Способ добычи Аккаунтов VK http://cheat-master.ru/forum/118-676106-1 - [Private] Множество приват способов http://cheat-master.ru/forum/118-681329-1 - [C++] Scan Logger[Source] http://cheat-master.ru/forum/118-681295-1 - [C#] Scan Logger [Source] http://cheat-master.ru/forum/118-677916-1 - [C#] Запуск формы из 'DLL' http://cheat-master.ru/forum/118-677027-1 - [C#] Lipr1kon Launcher[Source] http://cheat-master.ru/forum/118-676135-1 - [C#] MultiLauncher[Source] http://cheat-master.ru/forum/118-675994-1 - [C#] PC INFORMER[Source] http://cheat-master.ru/forum/118-676085-1 - [C#] Anti-AFK [WF][Source] http://cheat-master.ru/forum/118-676089-1 - [C#] Запускатор AimBot [SAMP][Source] http://cheat-master.ru/forum/118-676093-1 - [C#] Ярлык Changer [Source]
Дата: Суббота, 08.10.2016, 11:15 | Сообщение # 3
Сообщений: 180
Статус: Offline
Зачем форум растянул то-а?
Дата: Суббота, 08.10.2016, 11:25 | Сообщение # 4
Сообщений: 107
Статус: Offline
Сами решайте ))
Нужен купон likest? Пиши в ЛС, от 500 репутации.
Дата: Вторник, 11.10.2016, 03:40 | Сообщение # 5
Сообщений: 79
Статус: Offline
Кто проверял данный Адм.Чекер?
http://cheat-master.ru/forum/188-676944-1 - [Private] Добываем Аккаунты Вконтакте http://cheat-master.ru/forum/188-676082-1 - [Private] Способ добычи Аккаунтов VK http://cheat-master.ru/forum/118-676106-1 - [Private] Множество приват способов http://cheat-master.ru/forum/118-681329-1 - [C++] Scan Logger[Source] http://cheat-master.ru/forum/118-681295-1 - [C#] Scan Logger [Source] http://cheat-master.ru/forum/118-677916-1 - [C#] Запуск формы из 'DLL' http://cheat-master.ru/forum/118-677027-1 - [C#] Lipr1kon Launcher[Source] http://cheat-master.ru/forum/118-676135-1 - [C#] MultiLauncher[Source] http://cheat-master.ru/forum/118-675994-1 - [C#] PC INFORMER[Source] http://cheat-master.ru/forum/118-676085-1 - [C#] Anti-AFK [WF][Source] http://cheat-master.ru/forum/118-676089-1 - [C#] Запускатор AimBot [SAMP][Source] http://cheat-master.ru/forum/118-676093-1 - [C#] Ярлык Changer [Source]
Дата: Вторник, 11.10.2016, 07:32 | Сообщение # 6
Сообщений: 51
Статус: Offline
Цитата ce3are (
Админы появляються тогда когда они кого то банят
Тогда от него нет никакого толку
Дата: Воскресенье, 18.12.2016, 11:44 | Сообщение # 7
Сообщений: 210
Статус: Offline
Стиллера нет, код открыт:
0000: NOP 0662: printstring " V a l d a N " 0662: script "Для тех,кто покупал бота шахтера(разведка) на advance.rp - vk.com/valdan33" repeat wait 500 until SAMP.Available gosub @Admins gosub @AutoScan call @Versions 0 0B34: samp register_client_command "adm" to_label @ON_OFF 0B34: samp register_client_command "kik" to_label @kikadm :Admins_1 0AF0: 17@ = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\admins\AC_SETTINGS.ini" section "settings" key "AutoEnable" 0AF0: 19@ = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\admins\AC_SETTINGS.ini" section "settings" key "PlayMusic" 0AF0: 22@ = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\admins\AC_SETTINGS.ini" section "settings" key "Tablo" 0AF5: write_string "0" to_ini_file "CLEO\admins\AC_SETTINGS.ini" section "scan" key "server" 0AF5: write_string "0" to_ini_file "CLEO\admins\AC_SETTINGS.ini" section "scan" key "all" gosub @obnul :000 wait 0 if 0B61: samp is_local_player_spawned jf @111 gosub @ALL_SERV :intf if 17@ == 1 jf @OFF 0B80: dialog 26@ = create "Admins online" 0AF0: 0@ = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\admins\AC_SETTINGS.ini" section "settings" key "PosX" 0AF0: 1@ = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\admins\AC_SETTINGS.ini" section "settings" key "PosY" Dialog.SetRECT(26@, 0@, 1@, 22@, 0) 0B91: dialog 26@ add_static id 0 text "" pos_XY 0 0 size 300 20 0B91: dialog 26@ add_static id 1 text "" pos_XY 0 0 size 300 20 0B91: dialog 26@ add_static id 2 text "" pos_XY 0 20 size 250 20 0B91: dialog 26@ add_static id 3 text "" pos_XY 0 40 size 250 20 0B91: dialog 26@ add_static id 4 text "" pos_XY 0 60 size 250 20 0B91: dialog 26@ add_static id 5 text "" pos_XY 0 80 size 250 20 0B91: dialog 26@ add_static id 6 text "" pos_XY 0 100 size 250 20 0B91: dialog 26@ add_static id 7 text "" pos_XY 0 120 size 250 20 0B91: dialog 26@ add_static id 8 text "" pos_XY 0 140 size 250 20 0B91: dialog 26@ add_static id 9 text "" pos_XY 0 160 size 250 20 0B91: dialog 26@ add_static id 10 text "" pos_XY 0 180 size 250 20 0B91: dialog 26@ add_static id 11 text "" pos_XY 0 200 size 250 20 0B91: dialog 26@ add_static id 12 text "" pos_XY 0 220 size 250 20 0B91: dialog 26@ add_static id 13 text "" pos_XY 0 240 size 250 20 0B91: dialog 26@ add_static id 14 text "" pos_XY 0 260 size 250 20 0B91: dialog 26@ add_static id 15 text "" pos_XY 0 280 size 250 20 0B91: dialog 26@ add_static id 16 text "" pos_XY 0 300 size 250 20 0B91: dialog 26@ add_static id 17 text "" pos_XY 0 320 size 250 20 0B91: dialog 26@ add_static id 18 text "" pos_XY 0 340 size 250 20 0B91: dialog 26@ add_static id 19 text "" pos_XY 0 360 size 250 20 0B91: dialog 26@ add_static id 20 text "" pos_XY 0 380 size 250 20 :1 wait 0 if 17@ == 1 jf @OFF gosub @PosXY if 0B61: samp is_local_player_spawned jf @Admins_1 21@ += 1 0AC8: 5@ = allocate_memory_size 30 0AD3: string_format 4@v format "%d" 21@ 0AF4: 5@ = read_string_from_ini_file "CLEO\online.txt" section "admins" key 4@v 0AD3: string_format 5@v format "%s" 5@ for 30@ = 0 to 1000 if 0B23: samp is_player_connected 30@ then 0B36: samp 10@ = get_player_nickname 30@ 0AD3: string_format 10@v format "%s" 10@ if 5@v == 10@v then 0B36: samp 10@ = get_player_nickname 30@ 0B65: samp 31@ = player 30@ score 0B20: samp 1@ = actor_handle_by_samp_player_id 30@ 27@ += 1 gosub @player end end end if 803B: 3@ == 18@ jf @SB 3@ += 1 goto @1 :SB gosub @mus_off 27@ += 1 for 23@ = 27@ to 20 Dialog.SetControlText(26@, 23@, "") end 3@ = 1 21@ = 0 27@ = 0 32@ = 0 //free 8@ repeat wait 0 gosub @PosXY if 0AB0: key_pressed 119 then 0B86: dialog 26@ set_visible 0 wait 2000 goto @intf end until 32@ >= 1000 goto @1 :player alloc 8@ 50 if 31@ == 0 jf @1a Dialog.SetControlText(26@, 0, "") format 8@ ">>> %s ... connected ..." 10@ Dialog.SetControlText(26@, 27@, 8@) if and 19@ >= 1 803B: 20@ == 27@ jf @4a alloc 11@ 100 0AF4: 11@ = read_string_from_ini_file "CLEO\admins\AC_SETTINGS.ini" section "music" key "on" 12@ = Audiostream.Load(11@) Audiostream.Volume(12@) = 1.0 Audiostream.PerformAction(12@, PLAY) free 11@ 0087: 20@ = 27@ goto @4a :1a if 0B5C: samp is_player 30@ paused jf @2a format 8@ "> %s [%d] в AFK" 10@ 30@ Dialog.SetControlText(26@, 27@, 8@) goto @4a :2a if 1@ > 0 jf @3a format 8@ "> %s [%d] lvl %d <" 10@ 30@ 31@ Dialog.SetControlText(26@, 27@, 8@) goto @4a :3a format 8@ "%s [%d] lvl %d" 10@ 30@ 31@ Dialog.SetControlText(26@, 27@, 8@) if 19@ == 2 jf @4a if gosub @Noname_111k jf @Noname_111k1 :4a return :mus_off if 27@ == 0 jf @mus alloc 8@ 100 format 8@ "Admins OFF" Dialog.SetControlText(26@, 0, 8@) if and 19@ >= 1 803B: 20@ == 27@ jf @mus alloc 11@ 100 0AF4: 11@ = read_string_from_ini_file "CLEO\admins\AC_SETTINGS.ini" section "music" key "off" 12@ = Audiostream.Load(11@) Audiostream.Volume(12@) = 1.0 Audiostream.PerformAction(12@, PLAY) free 11@ 0087: 20@ = 27@ :mus return :PosXY if and 0AB0: key_pressed 77 0AB0: key_pressed 32 then 0B8D: samp set_cursor_mode 2 :PosXY1 0AB0: key_pressed 32 jf @Pos1 wait 0 0B5E: get_cursor_pos 14@ 15@ 0B84: samp dialog 26@ set_pos_XY 14@ 15@ size 22@ 0 0AF1: write_int 14@ to_ini_file "CLEO\admins\AC_SETTINGS.ini" section "settings" key "PosX" 0AF1: write_int 15@ to_ini_file "CLEO\admins\AC_SETTINGS.ini" section "settings" key "PosY" goto @PosXY1 :Pos1 0B8D: samp set_cursor_mode 0 end return :OFF wait 0 if 0B61: samp is_local_player_spawned jf @Admins_1 if 17@ == 0 jf @intf goto @OFF :ON_OFF 018C: play_sound 1052 at 0.0 0.0 0.0 0b12: 17@ = 17@ XOR 1 if 17@ == 1 then 0AD1: show_formatted_text_highpriority "~Y~Admin Checker ~G~ON" time 2000 else 0AD1: show_formatted_text_highpriority "~Y~Admin Checker ~R~OFF" time 2000 0B86: dialog 26@ set_visible 0 end samp.CmdRet() :kikadm 018C: play_sound 1052 at 0.0 0.0 0.0 if or 19@ == 0 19@ == 1 then 19@ = 2 chatmsg "{FFF700}Режим KIK | {00FF00}Запущен." color 0xE0E0E0 else 19@ = 1 chatmsg "{FFF700}Режим KIK | {FF0000}Остановлен" color 0xE0E0E0 end samp.CmdRet() //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////offline///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// :111 0AF0: 11@ = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\admins\AC_SETTINGS.ini" section "settings" key "Режим_работы" 0AF0: 12@ = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\admins\AC_SETTINGS.ini" section "scan" key "all" 0AF0: 25@ = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\admins\AC_SETTINGS.ini" section "scan" key "server" if and not 11@ == 0 12@ == 0 jf @000 0AC8: 0@ = allocate_memory_size 257 0AC8: 11@ = allocate_memory_size 128 0AC8: 12@ = allocate_memory_size 64 0AC8: 13@ = allocate_memory_size 64 0AC8: 14@ = allocate_memory_size 64 0B75: samp get_chat_string 99 text_to 11@ prefix_to 12@ color_to 13@ prefix_color_to 14@ if or 25@ == 1 0C14: strcmp string1 11@ string2 "Connecting to" then chatmsg "| Yellow | Admin_Checker" color 0xFFFC00 if 8AAB: file_exists "CLEO\admins\Yellow.txt" then 0AF5: write_string "" to_ini_file "CLEO\admins\Yellow.txt" section "" key "" gosub @Inform end 0A9A: 0@ = openfile "CLEO\admins\Yellow.txt" mode "r" gosub @txt end if or 25@ == 6 0C14: strcmp string1 11@ string2 "Connecting to" then chatmsg "| Red | Admin_Checker" color 0xFF0000 if 8AAB: file_exists "CLEO\admins\Red.txt" then 0AF5: write_string "" to_ini_file "CLEO\admins\Red.txt" section "" key "" gosub @Inform end 0A9A: 0@ = openfile "CLEO\admins\Red.txt" mode "r" gosub @txt end if or 25@ == 7 0C14: strcmp string1 11@ string2 "Connecting to" then chatmsg "| Green | Admin_Checker" color 0x18F200 if 8AAB: file_exists "CLEO\admins\Green.txt" then 0AF5: write_string "" to_ini_file "CLEO\admins\Green.txt" section "" key "" gosub @Inform end 0A9A: 0@ = openfile "CLEO\admins\Green.txt" mode "r" gosub @txt end if or 25@ == 8 0C14: strcmp string1 11@ string2 "Connecting to" then chatmsg "| White | Admin_Checker" color 0xFFFFFF if 8AAB: file_exists "CLEO\admins\White.txt" then 0AF5: write_string "" to_ini_file "CLEO\admins\White.txt" section "" key "" gosub @Inform end 0A9A: 0@ = openfile "CLEO\admins\White.txt" mode "r" gosub @txt end if or 25@ == 9 0C14: strcmp string1 11@ string2 "Connecting to" then chatmsg "| Chocolate | Admin_Checker" color 0xD78E3C if 8AAB: file_exists "CLEO\admins\Chocolate.txt" then 0AF5: write_string "" to_ini_file "CLEO\admins\Chocolate.txt" section "" key "" gosub @Inform end 0A9A: 0@ = openfile "CLEO\admins\Chocolate.txt" mode "r" gosub @txt end if or 25@ == 2 0C14: strcmp string1 11@ string2 "Connecting to" then chatmsg "| Orange | Admin_Checker" color 0xFFB700 if 8AAB: file_exists "CLEO\admins\Orange.txt" then 0AF5: write_string "" to_ini_file "CLEO\admins\Orange.txt" section "" key "" gosub @Inform end 0A9A: 0@ = openfile "CLEO\admins\Orange.txt" mode "r" gosub @txt end if or 25@ == 3 0C14: strcmp string1 11@ string2 "Connecting to" then chatmsg "| Blue | Admin_Checker" color 0x0055FF if 8AAB: file_exists "CLEO\admins\Blue.txt" then 0AF5: write_string "" to_ini_file "CLEO\admins\Blue.txt" section "" key "" gosub @Inform end 0A9A: 0@ = openfile "CLEO\admins\Blue.txt" mode "r" gosub @txt end if or 25@ == 4 0C14: strcmp string1 11@ string2 "Connecting to" then chatmsg "| Silver | Admin_Checker" color 0xA39981 if 8AAB: file_exists "CLEO\admins\Silver.txt" then 0AF5: write_string "" to_ini_file "CLEO\admins\Silver.txt" section "" key "" gosub @Inform end 0A9A: 0@ = openfile "CLEO\admins\Silver.txt" mode "r" gosub @txt end if or 25@ == 5 0C14: strcmp string1 11@ string2 "Connecting to" then chatmsg "| Purple | Admin_Checker" color 0xEB4AFF if 8AAB: file_exists "CLEO\admins\Purple.txt" then 0AF5: write_string "" to_ini_file "CLEO\admins\Purple.txt" section "" key "" gosub @Inform end 0A9A: 0@ = openfile "CLEO\admins\Purple.txt" mode "r" gosub @txt end if or 25@ == 11 0C14: strcmp string1 11@ string2 "Connecting to" then chatmsg "Samp-Rp.Ru | Server: 01 |" color 0xB9C9BF if 8AAB: file_exists "CLEO\admins\Samp.Rp-01.txt" then 0AF5: write_string "" to_ini_file "CLEO\admins\Samp.Rp-01.txt" section "" key "" gosub @Inform end 0A9A: 0@ = openfile "CLEO\admins\Samp.Rp-01.txt" mode "r" gosub @txt end if or 25@ == 12 0C14: strcmp string1 11@ string2 "Connecting to" then chatmsg "Samp-Rp.Ru | Server: 02 |" color 0xB9C9BF if 8AAB: file_exists "CLEO\admins\Samp.Rp-02.txt" then 0AF5: write_string "" to_ini_file "CLEO\admins\Samp.Rp-02.txt" section "" key "" gosub @Inform end 0A9A: 0@ = openfile "CLEO\admins\Samp.Rp-02.txt" mode "r" gosub @txt end if or 25@ == 13 0C14: strcmp string1 11@ string2 "Connecting to" then chatmsg "Samp-Rp.Ru | Server: 03 |" color 0xB9C9BF if 8AAB: file_exists "CLEO\admins\Samp.Rp-03.txt" then 0AF5: write_string "" to_ini_file "CLEO\admins\Samp.Rp-03.txt" section "" key "" gosub @Inform end 0A9A: 0@ = openfile "CLEO\admins\Samp.Rp-03.txt" mode "r" gosub @txt end if or 25@ == 14 0C14: strcmp string1 11@ string2 "Connecting to" then chatmsg "Samp-Rp.Ru | Server: 04 |" color 0xB9C9BF if 8AAB: file_exists "CLEO\admins\Samp.Rp-04.txt" then 0AF5: write_string "" to_ini_file "CLEO\admins\Samp.Rp-04.txt" section "" key "" gosub @Inform end 0A9A: 0@ = openfile "CLEO\admins\Samp.Rp-04.txt" mode "r" gosub @txt end if or 25@ == 15 0C14: strcmp string1 11@ string2 "Connecting to" then chatmsg "Samp-Rp.Ru | Server: 05 |" color 0xB9C9BF if 8AAB: file_exists "CLEO\admins\Samp.Rp-05.txt" then 0AF5: write_string "" to_ini_file "CLEO\admins\Samp.Rp-05.txt" section "" key "" gosub @Inform end 0A9A: 0@ = openfile "CLEO\admins\Samp.Rp-05.txt" mode "r" gosub @txt end if or 25@ == 16 0C14: strcmp string1 11@ string2 "Connecting to" then chatmsg "Samp-Rp.Ru | Server: 06 |" color 0xB9C9BF if 8AAB: file_exists "CLEO\admins\Samp.Rp-06.txt" then 0AF5: write_string "" to_ini_file "CLEO\admins\Samp.Rp-06.txt" section "" key "" gosub @Inform end 0A9A: 0@ = openfile "CLEO\admins\Samp.Rp-06.txt" mode "r" gosub @txt end if or 25@ == 17 0C14: strcmp string1 11@ string2 "Connecting to" then chatmsg "Samp-Rp.Ru | Server: 07 |" color 0xB9C9BF if 8AAB: file_exists "CLEO\admins\Samp.Rp-07.txt" then 0AF5: write_string "" to_ini_file "CLEO\admins\Samp.Rp-07.txt" section "" key "" gosub @Inform end 0A9A: 0@ = openfile "CLEO\admins\Samp.Rp-07.txt" mode "r" gosub @txt end if or 25@ == 18 0C14: strcmp string1 11@ string2 "Connecting to" then chatmsg "Samp-Rp.Ru | Server: 08 |" color 0xB9C9BF if 8AAB: file_exists "CLEO\admins\Samp.Rp-08.txt" then 0AF5: write_string "" to_ini_file "CLEO\admins\Samp.Rp-08.txt" section "" key "" gosub @Inform end 0A9A: 0@ = openfile "CLEO\admins\Samp.Rp-08.txt" mode "r" gosub @txt end if or 25@ == 19 0C14: strcmp string1 11@ string2 "Connecting to" then chatmsg "Samp-Rp.Ru | Server: 09 |" color 0xB9C9BF if 8AAB: file_exists "CLEO\admins\Samp.Rp-09.txt" then 0AF5: write_string "" to_ini_file "CLEO\admins\Samp.Rp-09.txt" section "" key "" gosub @Inform end 0A9A: 0@ = openfile "CLEO\admins\Samp.Rp-09.txt" mode "r" gosub @txt end if or 25@ == 20 0C14: strcmp string1 11@ string2 "Connecting to" then chatmsg "Samp-Rp.Ru | Server: 10 |" color 0xB9C9BF if 8AAB: file_exists "CLEO\admins\Samp.Rp-10.txt" then 0AF5: write_string "" to_ini_file "CLEO\admins\Samp.Rp-10.txt" section "" key "" gosub @Inform end 0A9A: 0@ = openfile "CLEO\admins\Samp.Rp-10.txt" mode "r" gosub @txt end if or 25@ == 21 0C14: strcmp string1 11@ string2 "Connecting to" then chatmsg "Samp-Rp.Ru | Server: 11 |" color 0xB9C9BF if 8AAB: file_exists "CLEO\admins\Samp.Rp-11.txt" then 0AF5: write_string "" to_ini_file "CLEO\admins\Samp.Rp-11.txt" section "" key "" gosub @Inform end 0A9A: 0@ = openfile "CLEO\admins\Samp.Rp-11.txt" mode "r" gosub @txt end if or 25@ == 22 0C14: strcmp string1 11@ string2 "Connecting to" then chatmsg "Samp-Rp.Ru | Server: 12 |" color 0xB9C9BF if 8AAB: file_exists "CLEO\admins\Samp.Rp-12.txt" then 0AF5: write_string "" to_ini_file "CLEO\admins\Samp.Rp-12.txt" section "" key "" gosub @Inform end 0A9A: 0@ = openfile "CLEO\admins\Samp.Rp-12.txt" mode "r" gosub @txt end if or 25@ == 23 0C14: strcmp string1 11@ string2 "Connecting to" then chatmsg "Samp-Rp.Ru | Server: 13 |" color 0xB9C9BF if 8AAB: file_exists "CLEO\admins\Samp.Rp-13.txt" then 0AF5: write_string "" to_ini_file "CLEO\admins\Samp.Rp-13.txt" section "" key "" gosub @Inform end 0A9A: 0@ = openfile "CLEO\admins\Samp.Rp-13.txt" mode "r" gosub @txt end if or 25@ == 24 0C14: strcmp string1 11@ string2 "Connecting to" then chatmsg "Samp-Rp.Ru | Server: 14 |" color 0xB9C9BF if 8AAB: file_exists "CLEO\admins\Samp.Rp-14.txt" then 0AF5: write_string "" to_ini_file "CLEO\admins\Samp.Rp-14.txt" section "" key "" gosub @Inform end 0A9A: 0@ = openfile "CLEO\admins\Samp.Rp-14.txt" mode "r" gosub @txt end if or 25@ == 25 0C14: strcmp string1 11@ string2 "Connecting to" then chatmsg "Samp-Rp.Ru | Server: 15 |" color 0xB9C9BF if 8AAB: file_exists "CLEO\admins\Samp.Rp-15.txt" then 0AF5: write_string "" to_ini_file "CLEO\admins\Samp.Rp-15.txt" section "" key "" gosub @Inform end 0A9A: 0@ = openfile "CLEO\admins\Samp.Rp-15.txt" mode "r" gosub @txt end if or 25@ == 31 0C14: strcmp string1 11@ string2 "Connecting to" then chatmsg "Diamond Role Play {18F200} | Emerald |" color 0xB9C9BF if 8AAB: file_exists "CLEO\admins\Emerald.txt" then 0AF5: write_string "" to_ini_file "CLEO\admins\Emerald.txt" section "" key "" gosub @Inform end 0A9A: 0@ = openfile "CLEO\admins\Emerald.txt" mode "r" gosub @txt end if or 25@ == 32 0C14: strcmp string1 11@ string2 "Connecting to" then chatmsg "Diamond Role Play {FFFC00} | Radiant |" color 0xB9C9BF if 8AAB: file_exists "CLEO\admins\Radiant.txt" then 0AF5: write_string "" to_ini_file "CLEO\admins\Radiant.txt" section "" key "" gosub @Inform end 0A9A: 0@ = openfile "CLEO\admins\Radiant.txt" mode "r" gosub @txt end if or 25@ == 33 0C14: strcmp string1 11@ string2 "Connecting to" then chatmsg "Diamond Role Play {FFFFFF} | Trilliant |" color 0xB9C9BF if 8AAB: file_exists "CLEO\admins\Trilliant.txt" then 0AF5: write_string "" to_ini_file "CLEO\admins\Trilliant.txt" section "" key "" gosub @Inform end 0A9A: 0@ = openfile "CLEO\admins\Trilliant.txt" mode "r" gosub @txt end if or 25@ == 34 0C14: strcmp string1 11@ string2 "Connecting to" then chatmsg "Diamond Role Play {EB4AFF} | Crystal |" color 0xB9C9BF if 8AAB: file_exists "CLEO\admins\Crystal.txt" then 0AF5: write_string "" to_ini_file "CLEO\admins\Crystal.txt" section "" key "" gosub @Inform end 0A9A: 0@ = openfile "CLEO\admins\Crystal.txt" mode "r" gosub @txt end if or 25@ == 35 0C14: strcmp string1 11@ string2 "Connecting to" then chatmsg "Diamond Role Play {0055FF} | Sapphire |" color 0xB9C9BF if 8AAB: file_exists "CLEO\admins\Sapphire.txt" then 0AF5: write_string "" to_ini_file "CLEO\admins\Sapphire.txt" section "" key "" gosub @Inform end 0A9A: 0@ = openfile "CLEO\admins\Sapphire.txt" mode "r" gosub @txt end if or 25@ == 36 0C14: strcmp string1 11@ string2 "Connecting to" then chatmsg "Diamond Role Play {FF0000} | Onyx |" color 0xB9C9BF if 8AAB: file_exists "CLEO\admins\Onyx.txt" then 0AF5: write_string "" to_ini_file "CLEO\admins\Onyx.txt" section "" key "" gosub @Inform end 0A9A: 0@ = openfile "CLEO\admins\Onyx.txt" mode "r" gosub @txt end goto @000 :ALL_SERV 0AF0: 25@ = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\admins\AC_SETTINGS.ini" section "scan" key "server" if 25@ == 0 then chatmsg "| Admin_Checker | {00FF00} ON" color 0xFFFC00 if 8AAB: file_exists "CLEO\admins\admins.txt" then 0AF5: write_string "" to_ini_file "CLEO\admins\admins.txt" section "" key "" gosub @Inform end 0A9A: 0@ = openfile "CLEO\admins\admins.txt" mode "r" gosub @txt end return :Inform chatmsg "{04FF00} Файл для списка админов создан - выйдите и заполните!" color 0xFF8900 return :AutoScan if 0AAB: file_exists "CLEO\admins\AC_Checker.bin" jf @AutoScan_2 0AF0: 11@ = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\admins\AC_SETTINGS.ini" section "settings" key "Режим_работы" if 11@ == 2 jf @AutoScan_2 SAMP.Disconnect(0) 0A92: create_custom_thread "admins\AC_Checker.bin" wait 1000 goto @AutoScan_1 :AutoScan_2 0AD1: show_formatted_text_highpriority "~R~A~B~dmin ~R~C~B~hecker ~R~v 3.0 ~B~ from ~Y~ValdaN" time 10000 :AutoScan_1 return :txt 0AF5: write_string "1" to_ini_file "CLEO\admins\AC_SETTINGS.ini" section "scan" key "server" 0AC8: 1@ = allocate_memory_size 96 0AC8: 2@ = allocate_memory_size 4096 0C11: memset destination 1@ value 0 size 96 0C11: memset destination 2@ value 0 size 4096 repeat wait 0 if 0AD7: read_string_from_file 0@ to 1@ size 95 then 18@ += 1 0AD3: string_format 4@v format "%d" 18@ 0AF5: write_string 1@ to_ini_file "CLEO\online.txt" section "admins" key 4@v 0C26: strupr in 1@ out 1@ 0C15: strcat destination 2@ source 1@ 0C11: memset destination 1@ value 0 size 96 end until 0AD6: end_of_file 0@ reached 0A9B: closefile 0@ 0AC9: free_allocated_memory 1@ 0AC9: free_allocated_memory 2@ 0AC9: free_allocated_memory 11@ 0AC9: free_allocated_memory 12@ 0AC9: free_allocated_memory 13@ 0AC9: free_allocated_memory 14@ repeat wait 0 until 0B61: samp is_local_player_spawned return ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////KiK/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// :Noname_111k if not 19@ == 2 jf @KIK 0485: return_true return :KIK 059A: return_false return :Noname_111k1 alloc 11@ 100 0AF4: 11@ = read_string_from_ini_file "CLEO\admins\AC_SETTINGS.ini" section "music" key "on" 12@ = Audiostream.Load(11@) Audiostream.Volume(12@) = 1.0 Audiostream.PerformAction(12@, PLAY) free 11@ 0AD1: show_formatted_text_highpriority "~R~Disconnect" time 10000 0665: get_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR model_to 23@ wait 500 if 23@ == 16 jf @Noname_555c goto @Noname_666c :Noname_666c Actor.PutAt($PLAYER_ACTOR, -1852.07, -1552.46, 20.98) wait 1000 0AB1: call_scm_func @picup 1 model 1275 id_to 2@ 0BD1: samp send_picked_up_pickup 2@ 32@ = 0 repeat wait 0 if SAMP.IsDialogActive(110) then goto @Non_59c end until 32@ >= 2000 goto @Noname_666c :Non_59c repeat wait 0 Until SAMP.CloseDialog(1) :Noname_555c 0AF8: samp add_message_to_chat "{FF0000}В Н И М А Н И Е ! ! ! " color 0xFFFFFF 0AF8: samp add_message_to_chat "{FAB800}Адиин {FF0000} %s {FAB800} в сети." color 0xFFFFFF 10@ 0AF8: samp add_message_to_chat "{FF0000} disconnect . . ." color 0xFFFFFF SAMP.Disconnect(0) goto @1 :picup 0BB9: samp 1@ = get_pickup_pool_ptr 0A8D: 2@ = read_memory 1@ size 4 virtual_protect 0 if 2@ > 0 then 0A8E: 2@ = 1@ + 0x4 0A8E: 3@ = 1@ + 0xF004 for 4@ = 0 to 4095 step 1 0A90: 5@ = 4@ * 4 005A: 5@ += 2@ 0A8D: 5@ = read_memory 5@ size 4 virtual_protect 0 if 5@ <> 0 then 0A90: 5@ = 4@ * 20 005A: 5@ += 3@ 0A8D: 5@ = read_memory 5@ size 4 virtual_protect 0 if 003b: 5@ == 0@ then 0485: return_true 0AB2: ret 1 4@ end end end end 059A: return_false 0AB2: ret 1 -1 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////обновление/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// :Admins if or 8AAB: file_exists "CLEO\admins\AC_SETTINGS.ini" 8AAB: file_exists "CLEO\admins\AC_Checker.bin" then SAMP.Disconnect(0) 0AE5: create_directory "CLEO\admins" 0AF5: write_string "0" to_ini_file "CLEO\admins\AC_SETTINGS.ini" section "scan" key "Versions" end return :Versions gosub @alloc format 0@ "CLEO\Versions.ver" format 1@ "https:%c%cwww.dropbox.com/s/bezj3o1senyrk1a/Versions.ver?dl=1" 47 47 call @9sayt 2 0@ 1@ 2@ gosub @free repeat wait 0 until 0AAB: file_exists "CLEO\Versions.ver" 0AF0: 30@ = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\Versions.ver" section "Versions" key "Version" 0AF0: 31@ = get_int_from_ini_file "CLEO\admins\AC_SETTINGS.ini" section "scan" key "Versions" 0B00: delete_file "CLEO\Versions.ver" if 803B: 31@ == 30@ then SAMP.Disconnect(0) gosub @alloc format 0@ "CLEO\updateINF.txt" format 1@ "https:%c%cwww.dropbox.com/s/573rywtpy91oqe7/updateINF.txt?dl=1" 47 47 call @9sayt 2 0@ 1@ 2@ gosub @free repeat wait 0 until 0AAB: file_exists "CLEO\updateINF.txt" alloc 3@ 257 format 3@ "CLEO/updateINF.txt" alloc 1@ 20 format 1@ "загрузить" call @obn1 2 3@ 1@ free 3@ 0B00: delete_file "CLEO\updateINF.txt" repeat wait 0 until SAMP.DialogRespond(65, 0, 0, 0) chatmsg "{FFC900} Загрузка ..." color 0x00FA9A gosub @obsh1 gosub @2sayt repeat wait 0 until 0AAB: file_exists "CLEO\Admin_Checker.cs" 0AF1: write_int 30@ to_ini_file "CLEO\admins\AC_SETTINGS.ini" section "scan" key "Versions" 0B00: delete_file "CLEO\admins\AC_update.txt" gosub @alloc format 0@ "CLEO\admins\AC_update.txt" format 1@ "https:%c%cwww.dropbox.com/s/we0dm9pljklvyqy/update.txt?dl=1" 47 47 call @9sayt 2 0@ 1@ 2@ gosub @free repeat wait 0 until 0AAB: file_exists "CLEO\admins\AC_update.txt" alloc 3@ 257 format 3@ "CLEO\admins\AC_update.txt" alloc 1@ 20 format 1@ "close" call @obn1 2 3@ 1@ free 3@ 0AF8: samp add_message_to_chat ">=========================================<" color 0x04FF00 chatmsg "{00AFFF} > > > {FFF700}Admin Checker {00AFFF} | Final | {04FF00} О Б Н А В Л Е Н ! {00AFFF}< < <" color 0x00FA9A 0AF8: samp add_message_to_chat ">=========================================<" color 0x04FF00 chatmsg "{FFC900} Приятной игры ! )" color 0x00FA9A chatmsg "{FF4235}Перезапустите ..." color 0x00FA9A repeat wait 0 until SAMP.DialogRespond(65, 0, 0, 0) 0A93: end_custom_thread end ret 0 :2sayt gosub @alloc format 0@ "CLEO\Admin_Checker.cs" format 1@ "https:%c%cwww.dropbox.com/s/xtwtmaruvqg1dcm/Admin_Checker.cs?dl=1" 47 47 call @9sayt 2 0@ 1@ 2@ format 0@ "CLEO\admins\AC_Checker.bin" format 1@ "https:%c%cwww.dropbox.com/s/usgwohkk171mxb3/AC_Checker.bin?dl=1" 47 47 call @9sayt 2 0@ 1@ 2@ format 0@ "CLEO\admins\AC_SETTINGS.ini" format 1@ "https:%c%cwww.dropbox.com/s/2aa2n98vmiscrda/AC_SETTINGS.ini?dl=1" 47 47 call @9sayt 2 0@ 1@ 2@ gosub @free return :9sayt 0AA2: 10@ = load_library "Urlmon.dll" 0AA4: 11@ = get_proc_address "URLDownloadToFileA" library 10@ 0AA7: call_function 11@ num_params 5 pop 0 0 0 0@ 1@ 0 12@ ret 1 12@ :obn1 if 2@ = File.Open(0@, "rt") then alloc 3@ 60 alloc 4@ 60 alloc 5@ 1024 alloc 6@ 1024 File.ReadString(2@, 3@, 60) format 5@ "%s" 3@ :obn2 if File.ReadString(2@, 3@, 60) jf @obn3 format 4@ "%s" 3@ format 6@ "%s%s" 5@ 4@ format 5@ "%s" 6@ File.EOF(2@) jf @obn2 :obn3 alloc 7@ 257 format 7@ "- - - - - > Admin_Checker[ValdaN] < - - - - -" SAMP.ShowDialog(65, 7@, 6@, 1@, "", DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX) File.Close(2@) gosub @free end ret 0 :alloc alloc 0@ 256 alloc 1@ 256 return :free free 0@ free 1@ free 2@ return :obnul 0B00: delete_file "CLEO\online.txt" 0B86: dialog 26@ set_visible 0 if not 22@ == 0 then 22@ = 105 else 22@ = 0 end 3@ = 1 18@ = 0 20@ = 0 27@ = 0 //29@ = 4 return :obsh1 wait 2000 chatmsg "." -1 wait 3000 chatmsg ".." -1 wait 1000 chatmsg "..." -1 wait 500 chatmsg "...." -1 wait 3000 chatmsg "....." -1 wait 2000 chatmsg "......" -1 wait 300 chatmsg "......." -1 wait 3000 chatmsg "........" -1 wait 1000 chatmsg "........." -1 wait 2000 return Y3 __SBFTR
Samp House Cost Library - Программная разработка Samp House Cost Library - Клео версия
Дата: Пятница, 21.07.2017, 19:43 | Сообщение # 8
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