[mod_sa C++] Surfer (кривой - for noobs) [Часть 1] - Форум Cheat-Master.ru
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Модератор форума: Sanoxxx, Alowir  
[mod_sa C++] Surfer (кривой - for noobs) [Часть 1]
Rezak_True Дата: Пятница, 01.02.2013, 18:18 | Сообщение # 1
Сообщений: 156
Статус: Offline

Уважаемые форумчане!

Сегодня я решил выложить урок по написанию surfer от Yaroslav_Fox ,код кривой, специально для нубейтов которые грубо говоря засрали весь форум о написании подобных уроков!
Пожалуй Начнем!

1.Заходим в cheat_actor.cpp и вставляем в конец следующий код:
void cheat_handle_surfer ( struct actor_info *info, double time_diff )
     traceLastFunc( "cheat_handle_surfer()" );

     // toggle
     if ( KEY_PRESSED(set.key_surfer) )
      if ( !cheat_state->actor.surfer_on )
       // init stuff
      cheat_state->actor.surfer_on ^= 1;

     if ( cheat_state->actor.surfer_on )
      // set fly status
      cheat_state->actor.surfer_enabled = true;

      // get ground Z height
      float groundZHeight = pGame->GetWorld()->FindGroundZFor3DPosition(pPedSelf->GetPosition());
      float playerZHeight = pPedSelf->GetPosition()->fZ;
      float playerFrontZOffset = abs(pPedSelfSA->Placeable.matrix->vFront.fZ);
      float playerRightZOffset = abs(pPedSelfSA->Placeable.matrix->vRight.fZ);

      // standing detection
      if ( groundZHeight + 3.0f < playerZHeight)
       info->pedFlags.bIsStanding = true;
          info->pedFlags.bWasStanding = true;
          info->pedFlags.bStayInSamePlace = true;

      if ( groundZHeight + 3.0f > playerZHeight)
       info->pedFlags.bIsStanding = false;
          info->pedFlags.bWasStanding = false;
          info->pedFlags.bStayInSamePlace = false;

      if ( time_diff < 1.0f ) // I believe I can fly...

// keys/buttons input

       playerFly_keySpeedStates keySpeedState;
       if ( KEY_DOWN(set.key_fly_player_accelerate) )
        keySpeedState = speed_accelerate;
       else if ( KEY_DOWN(set.key_fly_player_decelerate) )
        keySpeedState = speed_decelerate;
        keySpeedState = speed_none;
       playerFly_keyStrafeStates keyStrafeState;
       if ( KEY_DOWN(set.key_fly_player_strafeLeft) && !KEY_DOWN(set.key_fly_player_strafeRight) )
        keyStrafeState = strafe_left;
        playerFly_animationStrafeStateTimer = GetTickCount();
       else if ( KEY_DOWN(set.key_fly_player_strafeRight) && !KEY_DOWN(set.key_fly_player_strafeLeft) )
        keyStrafeState = strafe_right;
        playerFly_animationStrafeStateTimer = GetTickCount();
       else if ( KEY_DOWN(set.key_fly_player_strafeUp) )
        keyStrafeState = strafe_up;
        playerFly_animationStrafeStateTimer = GetTickCount();
        keyStrafeState = strafe_none;

       // activate fly mode
       if ( !cheat_state->actor.surfer_active )
        cheat_state->actor.surfer_active = true;
        // install up speed hard limiter patch
        if (!patch_RemoveFlyUpSpeedLimit.installed)
        // install fly soft limiters patch
        if (!patch_RemoveFlyWindSpeedLimit.installed)
        if ( keySpeedState == speed_none )

        if ( keySpeedState == speed_none )
         // start fly animation
         GTAfunc_PerformAnimation("PARACHUTE", "FALL_skyDive", -1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0);
         playerFly_lastAnimationStates = anim_FALL_skyDive;

// init variables

       // setup variables used through this function
       CVector vecSpeed, rotationAxis;
       float theta, thetaBase, rotationMultiplier;
       float speed = vecSpeed.Length();

       // copy camera rotation to player
       // this doesn't seem to be needed anymore
       //ainfo->fCurrentRotation = -pGame->GetCamera()->GetCameraRotation();

       // get camera matrix
       CMatrix matCamera;
       matCamera.vRight = -matCamera.vRight; // for some reason this is inverted
       // normalize camera

// change animation

       if ( playerFly_lastKeyStrafeStates != keyStrafeState
        || playerFly_lastKeySpeedState != keySpeedState )
        playerFly_lastKeyStrafeStates = keyStrafeState;
        playerFly_lastKeySpeedState = keySpeedState;
        playerFly_animationDeceleration = false;
        switch ( keySpeedState )
        case speed_none:
          if (playerFly_lastAnimationStates != anim_FALL_skyDive)

        case speed_accelerate:
          if (playerFly_lastAnimationStates != anim_FALL_skyDive)
        case speed_decelerate:
          switch ( keyStrafeState )
          case strafe_none:
          case strafe_up:
          case strafe_left:
          case strafe_right:
            if ( speed > 0.45f )
             if (playerFly_lastAnimationStates != anim_FALL_skyDive)
             playerFly_animationDeceleration = true;
            else if (playerFly_lastAnimationStates != anim_FALL_skyDive)
            if (playerFly_lastAnimationStates != anim_FALL_skyDive)
        playerFly_animationKeyStateSpeedDownChanged = false;
       else if (!playerFly_animationKeyStateSpeedDownChanged)
        switch ( keySpeedState )
        case speed_decelerate:
          if ( speed < 0.45f )
           if (playerFly_lastAnimationStates != anim_FALL_skyDive)
           playerFly_animationDeceleration = false;
           playerFly_animationKeyStateSpeedDownChanged = true;

// acceleration/deceleration

       // acceleration
       float fly_speed_max;
       float fly_acceleration;
       float fly_speed = set.fly_player_speed;
       float fly_acceleration_multiplier = set.fly_player_accel_multiplier;
       float fly_deceleration_multiplier = set.fly_player_decel_multiplier;
       switch ( keySpeedState )
       case speed_accelerate:
         if (fly_speed >= 2.0f)
          fly_speed_max = 1.333f * (1.0f + (0.5f / fly_speed)) * fly_speed;
          fly_acceleration = time_diff * ((0.5f + (0.25f / (fly_speed / 4.0f))) * fly_speed) * fly_acceleration_multiplier;
          fly_speed_max = 1.333f * (1.0f + (0.5f * fly_speed)) * fly_speed;
          fly_acceleration = time_diff * ((0.5f + fly_speed) * fly_speed) * fly_acceleration_multiplier;

         if ( vecSpeed.Length() < fly_speed_max )
          vecSpeed += matCamera.vFront * fly_acceleration;

         // don't have NearZero speeds
         if ( !vecSpeed.IsNearZero() )
          // set speed vector
          info->m_SpeedVec = vecSpeed;

       case speed_none:
         if (fly_speed >= 2.0f)
          fly_speed_max = 0.1f;
          fly_acceleration = time_diff * 0.3f;
          fly_speed_max = 0.1f * fly_speed;
          fly_acceleration = time_diff * (0.3f * fly_speed);

         if ( vecSpeed.Length() < fly_speed_max )
          vecSpeed += matCamera.vFront * fly_acceleration;

         // calculate wind resistance
         float windResistance;
         float windSpeedDivisor = 1.5f;
         if (fly_speed >= windSpeedDivisor)
          windResistance = time_diff * ( ( (fly_speed * 0.023f) + (speed * (fly_speed / (fly_speed / windSpeedDivisor)) * 0.38f) ) / (fly_speed / windSpeedDivisor) );
         else if (fly_speed >= 2.0f)
          windResistance = time_diff * ( ( (fly_speed * 0.023f) + (speed * (fly_speed / (fly_speed / windSpeedDivisor)) * 0.38f) ) * (fly_speed / windSpeedDivisor) );
          windResistance = time_diff * ( ( (fly_speed * 0.023f) + (speed * 0.38f) ) * fly_speed );
         vecSpeed -= vecSpeed * windResistance;

         // don't have NearZero speeds
         if ( !vecSpeed.IsNearZero() )
          // set speed vector
          info->m_SpeedVec = vecSpeed;
       case speed_decelerate:
         // this bit should be converted to mta-style code
         vect3_normalize( info->speed, info->speed );

         speed -= time_diff * ((0.1f + speed) * (0.45f / (fly_speed / 2.0f)) * fly_speed) * fly_deceleration_multiplier;

         if ( speed < 0.0f )
          speed = 0.0f;

         if ( vect3_near_zero(info->speed) )
          vect3_zero( info->speed );
          vect3_mult( info->speed, speed, info->speed );

// set speed target

       // calculate the desired speed target
       CVector vecSpeedRotate = matCamera.vFront;

       switch ( keyStrafeState )
       case strafe_up:
         vecSpeedRotate = matCamera.vUp;
       case strafe_left:
         CMatrix matTargetRotate;
         // rotate sideways
         matTargetRotate.vFront = vecSpeedRotate;
         rotationAxis = matCamera.vUp;
         theta = -1.57;
         matTargetRotate = matTargetRotate.Rotate( &rotationAxis, theta );
         // rotate upward
         rotationAxis = matCamera.vFront;
         if (KEY_DOWN(set.key_fly_player_strafeUp))
          theta = -0.785;
          theta = -0.05;
         matTargetRotate = matTargetRotate.Rotate( &rotationAxis, theta );
         // set the rotation target
         vecSpeedRotate = matTargetRotate.vFront;
       case strafe_right:
         CMatrix matTargetRotate;
         // rotate sideways
         matTargetRotate.vFront = vecSpeedRotate;
         rotationAxis = matCamera.vUp;
         theta = 1.57;
         matTargetRotate = matTargetRotate.Rotate( &rotationAxis, theta );
         // rotate upward
         rotationAxis = matCamera.vFront;
         if (KEY_DOWN(set.key_fly_player_strafeUp))
          theta = 0.785;
          theta = 0.05;
         matTargetRotate = matTargetRotate.Rotate( &rotationAxis, theta );
         // set the rotation target
         vecSpeedRotate = matTargetRotate.vFront;
       case strafe_none:

// rotate the speed

       CVector frontCamOffsetTarget;
       float fCameraPanOffsetLength = gravCamPed_vecCameraFrontOffset.Length();

       // rotate the speed vector slowly to face the desired target
       CMatrix matSpeedVecRotate;
       matSpeedVecRotate.vFront = vecSpeed;
       // calculate rotation multiplier, time_diff * 69.0 is ideal for calculations, always time for 69
       rotationMultiplier = (time_diff * 69.0f) / ( 32.0f + (vecSpeed.Length() * 5.0f) );
       // calculate rotation
       rotationAxis = vecSpeedRotate;// + gravCamPed_vecCameraPanOffset;
       // magic
       rotationAxis.CrossProduct( &matSpeedVecRotate.vFront );
       // control
       thetaBase = abs(sinh(vecSpeedRotate.DotProduct(&matSpeedVecRotate.vFront)) - 1.175f) / 2.35f + 1.0f;
       theta = thetaBase * rotationMultiplier;
       if ( !near_zero(theta) )
        // rotate
        matSpeedVecRotate = matSpeedVecRotate.Rotate( &rotationAxis, theta );

        // calculate new speed
        float speedReduction = time_diff * (vecSpeed.Length() * (thetaBase - 1.0f));

        // set new speed vector
        info->m_SpeedVec = matSpeedVecRotate.vFront * ( info->m_SpeedVec.Length() - speedReduction );

       // change animation when we're turning hard & not accelerating
       if ( thetaBase + (fCameraPanOffsetLength / 8.0f) > 1.15f
        && speed > 0.45f
        && keySpeedState == speed_none
        && !playerFly_animationDeceleration
        && ( keyStrafeState == strafe_none || keyStrafeState == strafe_up )
        if ( (GetTickCount() - 500) > playerFly_animationStrafeStateTimer )
         if (playerFly_lastAnimationStates != anim_FALL_skyDive)
         playerFly_animationDeceleration = true;
         playerFly_animationDirectionSpeedDownChanged = false;
        else if ( keyStrafeState == strafe_up )
         if (playerFly_lastAnimationStates != anim_FALL_skyDive)
         playerFly_animationDeceleration = true;
         playerFly_animationDirectionSpeedDownChanged = false;
       else if ( !playerFly_animationDirectionSpeedDownChanged
        && ( speed < 0.45f ||  thetaBase + (fCameraPanOffsetLength / 8.0f) < 1.08f )
        if ( keySpeedState == speed_none )
         if (playerFly_lastAnimationStates != anim_FALL_skyDive)
         playerFly_animationDeceleration = false;
        playerFly_animationDirectionSpeedDownChanged = true;

       // set the ped rotation target

       // copy speed and normalize, for initial direction
       CVector vecPedRotate = matSpeedVecRotate.vFront; // should use the rotated speed, not original speed

       CMatrix matPedTarget;
       matPedTarget.vFront = matCamera.vFront;
       matPedTarget.vRight = matCamera.vRight + (playerFly_lastPedRotation.vRight * 0.2f);
       matPedTarget.vUp = matCamera.vUp;

       // rotate the ped rotation target to direction of speed
       if (!near_zero(vecSpeed.Length()))
        // rotate target
        rotationAxis = g_vecUpNormal;
        rotationAxis.CrossProduct( &vecPedRotate );
        thetaBase = vecSpeedRotate.DotProduct(&vecPedRotate);
        // drifting
        rotationMultiplier = (time_diff * 69.0f) / ( 18.0f + (vecSpeed.Length() * 1.75f) );
        theta = cos(thetaBase * rotationMultiplier);
        if ( !near_zero(theta) )
         matPedTarget = matPedTarget.Rotate( &rotationAxis, theta );
        // recopy original front
        matPedTarget.vFront = vecPedRotate;

        // rotate the ped rotation target upward during deceleration
        // animation so that the animation is at the correct angle
        if (playerFly_animationDeceleration)
         CVector upStrafeAxis = vecPedRotate;
         rotationMultiplier = (time_diff * 69.0f) / ( 1.0f + (vecSpeed.Length() * 0.25f) );
         thetaBase = -1.5;// * rotationMultiplier; // 1.57 = 90 degrees
         theta = cos(thetaBase * rotationMultiplier);

         // rotate the ped rotation target to direction of speed
         if (!near_zero(vecSpeed.Length()))
          matPedTarget = matPedTarget.Rotate( &upStrafeAxis, theta );
         //upStrafeAxis = upStrafeAxisBuffer;

       // invert right z during strafing
       if ( keyStrafeState == strafe_left
        || keyStrafeState == strafe_right )
        matPedTarget.vRight.fZ = -matPedTarget.vRight.fZ / 2.0f;

       // normalize everything
       matPedTarget.Normalize(false); // sure, why not

// rotate the ped

       // actual rotation of the ped to smooth movements
       rotationMultiplier = (time_diff * 69.0f) / ( 12.0f + (vecSpeed.Length() * 1.5f) );

       // front
       rotationAxis = playerFly_lastPedRotation.vFront;
       rotationAxis.CrossProduct( &matPedTarget.vFront );
       thetaBase = playerFly_lastPedRotation.vFront.DotProduct(&matPedTarget.vFront);
       theta = -cos(thetaBase) * rotationMultiplier;
       if ( !near_zero(theta) )
        playerFly_lastPedRotation = playerFly_lastPedRotation.Rotate( &rotationAxis, theta );
        matPedTarget = matPedTarget.Rotate( &rotationAxis, theta );

       // right
       rotationAxis = playerFly_lastPedRotation.vRight;
       rotationAxis.CrossProduct( &matPedTarget.vRight );
       thetaBase = playerFly_lastPedRotation.vRight.DotProduct(&matPedTarget.vRight);
       theta = -cos(thetaBase) * (rotationMultiplier * 0.825f);
       if ( !near_zero(theta) )
        playerFly_lastPedRotation = playerFly_lastPedRotation.Rotate( &rotationAxis, theta );
        matPedTarget = matPedTarget.Rotate( &rotationAxis, theta );

       // up
       rotationAxis = playerFly_lastPedRotation.vUp + (g_vecUpNormal / 1.4f);
       rotationAxis.CrossProduct( &matPedTarget.vUp );
       thetaBase = playerFly_lastPedRotation.vUp.DotProduct(&matPedTarget.vUp);
       theta = -cos(thetaBase) * (rotationMultiplier / 8.0f);
       if ( !near_zero(theta) )
        playerFly_lastPedRotation = playerFly_lastPedRotation.Rotate( &rotationAxis, theta );
        //matPedTarget = matPedTarget.Rotate( &rotationAxis, theta );

       // normalize everything

       // zero near zero

       // set the position
       playerFly_lastPedRotation.vPos = pPedSelfSA->Placeable.matrix->vPos;

       // set player matrix

      } // I believe I can touch the sky...
     else if ( cheat_state->actor.surfer_enabled )
      // set fly disabled
      cheat_state->actor.surfer_enabled = false;
      if (cheat_state->actor.surfer_active)
       cheat_state->actor.surfer_active = false;
       // set gravity down
       pPedSelf->SetGravity( &-g_vecUpNormal );
       // remove up speed hard limiter patch
       if (patch_RemoveFlyUpSpeedLimit.installed)
       // remove fly soft limiters patch
       if (patch_RemoveFlyWindSpeedLimit.installed)
       // copy camera rotation to player
       info->fCurrentRotation = -pGame->GetCamera()->GetCameraRotation();
       info->fTargetRotation = info->fCurrentRotation;
       // stop animation
       playerFly_lastAnimationStates = SHP_Jump_Land;
       GTAfunc_PerformAnimation("SHOP", "SHP_Jump_Land ", -1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
      playerFly_lastKeySpeedState = speed_none;
Прикрепления: 5242483.jpg (82.2 Kb)

Игла в яйце - Яйцо в Утке - Утка в Зайце - Заяц в шоке:D

Сообщение отредактировал Rezak_True - Пятница, 01.02.2013, 18:20
AlexDrift Дата: Пятница, 01.02.2013, 23:28 | Сообщение # 2
Сообщений: 15
Статус: Offline
Rezak_True, сразу видно на основе флу хака

Сообщение отредактировал AlexDrift - Пятница, 01.02.2013, 23:29
iMaddy Дата: Суббота, 02.02.2013, 14:01 | Сообщение # 3
Сообщений: 2855
Статус: Offline
Цитата (AlexDrift)


Вопросами по сайту и так же игровому рынку (развод, невалидные товары, добавление в ЧС, проведение сделок)
не занимаюсь

AlexDrift Дата: Суббота, 02.02.2013, 16:06 | Сообщение # 4
Сообщений: 15
Статус: Offline
iMaddy, че так и есть
cooles Дата: Суббота, 02.02.2013, 16:25 | Сообщение # 5
Статус: Offline
AlexDrift, не "флу", а флай
Gek™ Дата: Воскресенье, 10.02.2013, 01:51 | Сообщение # 6
Сообщений: 75
Статус: Offline
Цитата (Rezak_True)
Сегодня я решил выложить урок по написанию surfer от Yaroslav_Fox ,код кривой, специально для нубейтов которые грубо говоря засрали весь форум о написании подобных уроков!
Пожалуй Начнем!

Зачем тогда выложил урок? wink
Rezak_True Дата: Воскресенье, 10.02.2013, 11:56 | Сообщение # 7
Сообщений: 156
Статус: Offline
Gek™, затем что , тем людям которые тупо выпрашивают коды и делают собейты по урокам - готовый код хорошего серфера никто не даст , пусть радуются хотя бы такому

Игла в яйце - Яйцо в Утке - Утка в Зайце - Заяц в шоке:D
Gek™ Дата: Воскресенье, 10.02.2013, 14:54 | Сообщение # 8
Сообщений: 75
Статус: Offline
Конечно не выложат,кхм...ты прав happy
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